
Division of Research Coordination

Division of Research Coordination:Law / Project related
TitleNational Taiwan Normal University Guidelines on Industry-Academia Cooperation Project Administrative Fee Distribution and Use

Administrative fee are received by NTNU, and then distributed to each college and department in consideration of following:
I、For all projects executed by departments, when the amount of administrative fee exceeds 6% of the total amount of the project fund, 50% of it will be distributed to NTNU, 15% will be distributed to the affiliated faculty, and 35% to the executing departments.
II、For projects executed by departments, 100% will be distributed to NTNU.

If the executing department is a part of the department, institute, or program of NTNU’s professional schools, the administrative fee distributed will be coordinated by the professional school.

In addition to regulations or contract of the academia-industry cooperation institution or commission agencies, the use of administrative fee may be spent on the following:
I、Relevant personnel expenses.
II、Utilities, telecom, stationery, consumable and other expenses.
III、Invitation for local and foreign scholars and experts to participate in seminars, conferences, research or experiments.
IV、Equipment, publication, consumable, stationery, and other expenses.
V、Expenses for improving the hygiene of laboratory or internship site.
VI、Any other expenses relevant to academic research and approved on a case-by-case basis.

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