
Division of Research Coordination

Division of Research Coordination:Law / Project related
TitleNational Taiwan Normal University Guidelines for Utilization and Change of Contingent Limit of NSTC and MOE Projects

(I) NSTC projects that include a contingent limit in the approved project budget.
(II) Projects subsidized and commissioned by the MOE that are controlled on the Government Research Bulletin (GRB).

Usage method
(I) Please fill out a National Taiwan Normal University Application Form for Utilization and Change of Contingent Limit of NSTC and MOE Projects (see the attachment) to use the contingent limit, and first gain approval through administrative procedures of NTNU.
(II) If the expense of the NSTC project was not listed in the purpose of expenses in the original application form, please register the project budget change (purpose of additional expense) on the NSTC's online system, attach the online application form for changes to the application documents in the preceding article to complete change procedures, and report this change in the "Report on Changes in the Purpose of Expenses of NSTC Subsidized Research Projects."
(III) If the expense of the MOE project was not listed in the purpose of expenses in the original application form, please specify the purpose of additional expenses in the attached application form to complete change procedures.
(IV) Please specify expenses in this field if there are any funds remaining from the contingent limit which will not be used. The funds will be returned to the original subsidy category for further use.

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