
Office of Research and Development

Division of Research Coordination:Law / Subsidy & Reward
TitleNational Taiwan Normal University Subsidy Guidelines for Instructors and Researchers Participation in Key International Seminar Overseas

Application criteria:
(I) Instructors and researchers serving as chairpersons, guest speakers, hosts, or to publish their theses in international academic conferences overseas, whose primary association must be NTNU.
(II) For individuals attending conferences to publish their theses, the published theses are required to be published for the first time. Only one person may apply for subsidy for each thesis; other co-authors may not apply for subsidy from NTNU or other sources under the same thesis.
(III) Where the applicant is a full-time lecturer or a researcher of equivalent grade, an application may be submitted only after four years of seniority and having published articles in a renowned academic journal (domestic or international) or technical evaluation reports on patents.
(IV) The collection of theses taking place during the past five seminars should be archived in the SCOPUS database.
(V) The conference must feature participants from at least three different countries (Hong Kong and Macao are considered part of Mainland China), and the thesis must be presented using the official language of the conference.
(VI) This subsidy does not apply to international conferences organized by institutions in Mainland China, Hong Kong, or Macao. The subsidy does, however, apply to conferences organized by international institutions in the regions mentioned above.

Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Applicants are required to submit full documents to the Office of Research Development according to proper procedures at least five weeks before the conference is held.

Applications that are made after the applicant has attended the conference will not be accepted.

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