
Office of Research and Development

Division of Research Coordination:Law / Subsidy & Reward
TitleNational Taiwan Normal University Subsidy Guidelines for Hosting Top International Academic Conferences

Application criteria:
(I) The international academic conference (including video conferences) applying for subsidies must have participants from at least three countries, including Taiwan (excluding China, Hong Kong, and Macau), and must be organized by an academic department of NTNU.
(II) Proceedings from the past five international academic conferences applying for subsidies are archived in the SCOPUS database.
(III) The conference organizer must first apply for subsidies from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, or other departments/companies

Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Applicants are required to submit full documents to the Office of Research and Development according to administrative procedures at least five weeks before the conference is held.

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