Application for “Outstanding Scholar Award” of Foundation for the
Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship
I. This application is conducted in accordance with “Regulation for Application for Outstanding Scholar Award of Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship”.
II. Target: The eligibility is regulated in Article 3 of the preceding regulation.
III. Amount of the Award: As a primary basis, the amount of the award shall be no more than NT$1.2 million per year.
IV. Application must be submitted to the Foundation before May 31, 2022. Before submission, the application form shall be reviewed by the university and receive official seal. Details are shown as follows.
A. Applicant shall undergo preliminary review and be recommended by college or academic affairs office. Documents of five copies and electronic files shall be delivered to Mr. Chang of Division of Academic Research Promotion and Coordination of the Office of Research and Development (Ext.1324, email: friend29@ntnu.edu.tw) before April 26,at 5 p.m. The application will then undergo external review for approval of recommendation.
B. The college or academic affairs office shall provide list of 3-5 recommended external review members of relevant fields (The scholars shall have outstanding academic accomplishment in the field), for external review.
V. For the regulation and application form, please refer to the attached files. The files may also be downloaded from the official website of the Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship(https://www.faos.org.tw/).
VI. Official document No. 1111010144 has been delivered to notify every unit in the university of the aforementioned details on April 15, 2022.
VII. For more information, please contact Mr. Chang of the Division of Academic Research Promotion and Coordination of the Office of Research and Development. (Ext. 1324) |